Tropical Flowers |
Day two on Saba. After spraining my ankle, we were unsure of what we would do this day. We originally were going to hike around the whole island, but decided a snorkeling trip would be less stress on my ankle. However, when we woke up that morning, we could see a lot white caps on the ocean and decided it would be too rough for snorkeling. So after walking around in "town" a bit, including visiting a glass studio that I may take a lesson at next trip (and buying an ornament for our tree), we decided I could walk well enough to do another hike.
This time we packed up our bags, checked out, and headed for the airport via a trail. This trail heads down the mountain to the coast, follows along the coast, over another hill and down to the airport. It was slow going since it was mostly loose rocks and very uneven terrain. The views were beautiful on this hike! Since it was all in the open, you could see the ocean the whole time, the hills and gullies looked like something out of Lord of the Rings, very different hike than the day before. If you haven't been to Saba yet, you definitely need to go! I look forward to another trip there for hiking, scuba, glass sculpting, etc.
Nice landscaping (unlike most of St Maarten) |
After several hours of hiking, we arrived at the airport. We checked in and did customs, which is literally a desk inside an open air, two "room" building, one of which is a bar of course. After checking in, you can freely come and go, in and out of the airport. It was kind of nice to experience this, given our hyper security. We had a safe flight back to St Maarten. Once we landed, we decided to complete our trip by walking from the airport back home! It was a nice way to end the trip. Saba was a much needed getaway and an absolutely beautiful island, great change of pace from St Maarten. Enjoy the pictures!
Still more beautiful flowers and fencing. Saba is much more maintained, clean, and cared for than St Maarten |
Better hope those breaks work! |

View from first part of the hike, down the mountain |
Lord of the Rings anyone? Not as green though, it's still dry season |
Gully that we had to hike down. Yes those rocks down the center were our "trail" |
Second part of the hike, along the coastline |
Mt Scenery (day one's hike) covered in clouds again |
We hiked through all that area in the background |
View of where we hiked. That hill is the one from a few pictures above |
Almost to the airport, one last photo op together |
Watching for planes |
St Maarten |
Back in St Maarten, our view on our hike home |
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