-We bought a car. A 2002 Toyota Corolla, previously owned by a mechanic so we're hoping for the best. Definitely the quietest "island" car we've heard so far.
-I had my first island movie theater experience yesterday. Every Wednesday is Ladies night on the island and ladies get 1/2 price movie tickets! So the grand total of a ticket, medium popcorn and bottled water.....$9!! Movies are normally $6.50 so not bad anytime. The theaters are actually really nice and the seats are comfy and recline pretty far.
-I got to wear jeans for the first time in a month. It was very breezy here last night and driving home from the movies there was almost a hint of fall in the air. I'm hoping that is what the "winter" is like here.
-Salt air is great for you! My hair is lightening quiet a bit and is very soft, my nails are growing stronger and healthier than they have in years, and my skin is smooth and not dry at all.
-I'm walking a few mornings a week with some girls and feeling great. Now I just need to get back to the beach for some swimming and sunning before my tan fades and I burn again.
-There is a great coffee shop on the corner that I finally went to and believe I may be there frequently. Now if only they could get a pumpkin spice flavor.
-This weekend is Burrito weekend, leading into the students Blocks, aka exams. The spouses put together and bake burritos on Friday and sell them at the school on Saturday and Sunday. It's the main fundraiser for the group, and gives students a meal without having to break from studying. So that will be fun. The spouses group is a pretty nice group of girls.
-We went to a Bible Study on campus lead by a professor, through the same group that does Sunday service. There were a good number of people there and should be a nice group to get involved in beyond just Sundays.
-And finally the one annoying thing lately is the management and maintenance for our apartment building. They are the most retarded people we've dealt with. It's painful trying to get anything done. Hopefully things will be fixed soon and we won't have to deal with them anymore. On that note we're down to 1 working dryer out of 4 for the 32 apartments so we'll see how long that lasts. Someone is making bank off all us and neglecting the building and it's needs.